Dont let anyone ever tell you that it never rains in Southern California! The 12U Shamrocks arrival in San Diego provided us with significant challenges! Everything from rolling black-outs to monsoon-like rains that appeared to never end.
Our goal was to go to the United States Olympic Training Facility in Chula Vista -
about 10 miles south of San Diego - and play on the Olympic softball field - where
the US Olympic Softball Team practices. That was our goal and we were determined
to meet it. The objective was already known - play four of the best 12U California
teams - we played two of them: The So-Cal Hot Shots from Hemet, California (north
of San Diego County) and the Coronado Angels from outside San Diego. Here are some
of the pictures of our great adventure!
![]() Picture of Danielle setting up to catch an inside pitch! ![]() Picture of Brittany pitching and Chelsea ready to field
Our travels to San Diego did not end with the 12U Shamrocks playing just in
Chula Vista. Due to the torrential rains and loss of time trying to find a
playable field (West Coast teams dont play in the rain or when their fields
are wet - big surprise to us in the Washington area), the So-Cal Hot Shots
invited our team to their facility in Hemet, California. We arrived Sunday
mid-morning at Hemet to play two games and the Hot Shots treated us to a pizza
lunch and other treats.
![]() ![]() Pictured here are Candice, Danielle, Lauren, and Chelsea during the on the spot interviews.
Our trip started off bumpy, but ended happily� as you can see below�it appears
that Hemet, California named a street after us! What more could we ask for?
![]() Pictured from left to right: Candice, Kelly, Danielle, Lauren, Brittany. In front: Michelle, Taylor, Allie. ![]() Here we are with the 14U Shamrocks before our games in Chula Vista. |